November 27th, 2017
Your past--the good, the bad, the ugly--were ultimately a part of God’s plan and serve a purpose in His economy. He is not in shock with where you are today nor was He surprised with what you may have done in your yesterday. As a matter of fact, He knew your yesterday and today would be made of the ingredients to prepare you for your tomorrow. You see, He does not blink on our mishaps or turn His back on our setbacks. 

To look down upon a caterpillar because it is a repugnant worm is to totally misunderstand metamorphosis and completely miss the process that makes it into a future beautiful butterfly.

For example, to see me for only my yesterday will have you missing what God is doing in my life today. Judge me for my wormy past and you will have condemned a future butterfly. Because when in Christ, we are way more than the sum of our past mistakes and we can praise God that He finds it fitting to provide us with the cocoon of grace.

By divine design, the genetic make-up of the butterfly was always in the worm. It may have inched its way forward in life and crawled slavishly along, but God knew that it would eventually be confined to a cocoon and resultingly birth a butterfly.  God not only knew, but that’s what He created it to do.

Again I say, my past may have dictated my today. But it is my today that decides my tomorrow. And since I’ve given my today to God to uphold, then I’m content knowing that He will establish my tomorrow.

“The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and he delights in His way. Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down; for the Lord upholds him with His hand” (Psalm 37: 23-24). 
Love this quote from Matthew Maher: "Courage isn't the absence of fear, but the awareness of Jesus being near."
Debbie Kay Hope for the Broken Hearted Ministries